Earthwave’s Materials Management Solution Slashes Inefficiencies On Paving Projects

Originally Published in Texas Asphalt Pavement Association's Spring 2020 Publication on the Future of Technology in Paving
Topics: Materials Management Solution Paving Associations Earthwave Technologies

Life made easier at Allan Myers with FleetWatcher

Allan Myers, founded in 1939 is the largest heavy civil construction company and materials provider in the Mid-Atlantic with 8 regional offices, 19 asphalt and aggregate plants and 5 active quarries. Headquartered in Worcester, P.A. their services include: design-build, site development, transportation, water and asphalt and aggregate production.

Topics: Materials Management Solution Testimonials & Quotes Case studies

E-Ticketing 101

No more paper load tickets. No more collecting and compiling. No more reports to complete. Just real-time load ticket data available for the plant and paving crew managers alike, all while improving operational efficiency and safety. 

Topics: Materials Management Solution Paperless Tickets E-Ticketing

E-Ticketing more Important than ever during Social Distancing

During these uncertain times, the construction industry is still considered an "essential service" but that means social distancing will still need to be observed as much as possible. Many contractors still use paper tickets at the scale house, but hand-offs will likely look different for quite a while. With more and more states requiring the use of Electronic Ticketing, now is the time to consider investing.

Topics: Paperless Tickets E-Ticketing Construction Management Solution Testimonials & Quotes

Knife River creates new FleetWatcher Position to Manage their Operations

Knife River, headquartered in Bismarck, ND is one of the top 10 aggregate, ready-mix and sand and gravel producers in the nation. Since purchasing the first aggregate company in 1992, Knife River has become one of the fastest-growing aggregate and construction companies in the central, southern and western United States. They have acquired nearly 70 companies located in 14 states and are licensed to perform work in many more. Their core business lines include aggregate, asphalt, ready-mix concrete, liquid asphalt and cement.

Topics: Materials Management Solution Testimonials & Quotes

2 Common Fears in Moving to a Fleet Management System (from a Sales Rep)

Moving to a fully integrated fleet management system can be a little overwhelming upfront for dispatch managers and fleet managers. Many companies already have some sort of system in place, most commonly a GPS or tracking-based system, but what if your company wants to do more than that like monitor KPI’s or integrate with your scales? How complicated is the integration to switch over? What are the options? 

Topics: Materials Management Solution Paving Operations Construction Management Solution

Learn how Delta Asphalt Moved to a Paving Management System with FleetWatcher

Delta Companies Inc., headquartered in Cape Girardeau, MO, traces its origins back to the 1920s when Edward F. Regenhardt and William H. Harrison formed a partnership to build roads and crush rock for local construction projects. Today, it is a major Midwestern site development and highway contractor, specializing in asphalt paving and road construction materials with locations in Missouri, Illinois, and Arkansas. Delta’s services include site development; aggregate materials; hot-mix, cold-mix, and warm mix asphalt; airport construction; liquid asphalts; asphalt emulsions; and more.

Topics: Materials Management Solution Load Cycle Analysis Fleet Management Testimonials & Quotes

Top 3 Reasons Your Company Should Consider Industry Trade Shows

For twenty years, Earthwave Technologies has been attending a variety of construction trade shows throughout the country. In 2019 Earthwave attended & exhibited at over 30 different industry trade shows. With the advent of technology, some might think trade shows are a thing of the past, but we beg to disagree. 

Topics: Paving Associations E-Ticketing Fleetwatcher

Learn how The Shelly Company Reduced Their CPT by 18%

  As FleetWatcher enters it's 20th Anniversary in 2020, we want to take a moment and highlight one of our loyal customers and share how their operations have improved since implementing our software.

The Shelly Company is Ohio’s leading limestone, concrete and asphalt paving company with more than 90 locations, servicing 81 of 88 counties in the state. The Twinsburg location has been using FleetWatcher just under 8 years and Chris Tomasch has been a part of the implementation since the very beginning. Chris is a Logistics Manager, overseeing the delivery of one million tons of asphalt and three million tons of aggregate every year.

Chris notes the changes he has seen: "We have excellent visibility of our fleet. We are able to identify any trucking issues in real-time allowing us to respond accordingly. FleetWatcher gives us accurate performance data which we can use for determining truck demand, reducing wait times and managing brokers. With the implementation and improvements in visibility of FleetWatcher we have reduced our cost per ton 18% over the past 4 years."

What is his favorite feature? "The best feature is the new “Quick Edit” feature of the shift tickets.  We are able to make fast, accurate adjustments with minimal effort. With the mobile app we have been able to better control last load outs, reducing the need to send trucks back to the plant to hold. Being able to track a job from a phone or I-Pad significantly reduces the time spent calling to find a truck."

What has their customer service experience been like? "Every time I reach out with a question or concern I get a response quickly, usually same day. Just this week I had 5 new trucks set up and none of them were tracking. I contacted Nik to see if he could determine the issue. I had a response in 10 minutes and was able to get them tracking. It’s also very helpful when their team makes a site visit, it gives our team a better understanding of the function and tools we need to be successful.

"There are many choices of GPS tracking programs available. FleetWatcher is very user-friendly and allows us to do more than just see where our trucks travel. We are able to set the parameters we want, to gather the data we need in a format we can use." 

Topics: Materials Management Solution Testimonials & Quotes Case studies

Customer Wolf Paving Featured in ForConstruction Pros

Great article in featuring our customer Wolf Paving Company. 

Ask many asphalt paving companies what they struggle with and we bet more than a few will say consistent product quality. The potential for this is low, but a risk that contractors take when they rely on other companies to produce mix for their paving operations. This is why Wolf Paving chose to invest in not one, but two asphalt plants for their business. Read the entire article here:

Topics: Materials Management Solution